Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Guinevere's Birth Story.

One of the only things I had regretted in my previous pregnancies, was that I never had the "It's time" moment. With Frankie & Scarlett I was induced, Hailey I went to the hospital for one thing and discovered I was in labor, and Gino I didn't even really know that my water had broken.  So with Guinevere I was pleased as punch to be able to tell Ron, "hunny, call your parents... its time".

Sunday, June 23rd, I woke up several times in the early morning hours. Knowing the contractions were pretty far apart still, I went back to bed and tried to sleep as best I could. Ron got up with Scarlett and let me sleep for a while. Around noon I finally called the doctor, Dr. Oneal was on call, she isn't my regular doctor, but I'm comfortable with her. She was the doctor on when I delivered Gino too. She told me to come in when they got to about 6 minutes apart. I waited till about 1:30pm until I told Ron it was time to drop Scarlett off.

We drove her to his parents house, and stopped at Riteaid on the way. The cashier making small talk asked when I was due, when I told her I was in labor, she offered to call an ambulance. I laughed, thanked her and explained this was baby #5 and I had it under control. After we dropped Scarlett off, Ron wanted to grab a bite to eat, so Burger King was my last pregnant meal. I couldn't finish it because the contractions were too strong.

When we checked into labor and delivery, I was only dilated 2cm, so the nurse told us to walk and use the birthing ball for 90 minutes and then she would check for progress. After walking and bouncing and walking some more, our 90 minutes had passed. Sure enough, PROGRESS! 3cm and the baby have moved down another stage. It was time to make the decision... epidural or no (boy, am I glad I opted in). With Scarlett I had developed a spinal headache, from an accidental leak of spinal fluid during my epidural. I required a blood patch at 3 days post partum and was terrified this would happen again. After another hour of contractions I opted for the epidural.

The anesthesiologist was very proficient, and make quick work of the procedure. However shortly after she left the room, everything began to fade away into the distance. Later Ron told me my blood pressure bottomed out several times, and I was given several doses of a emergency administered medication to bring it back up. The trauma to my body caused my contractions to slow considerably.

Over the next few hours, I labored relatively pain free. Dr. Oneal attempted to break my water unsuccessfully, and I was left to keep laboring. Eventually around 10pm my water broke on its own. At that point my contractions had pretty much dwindled to nothing. At that time it was decided pitocin needed to be started. By about 1am, the pressure and pain was pretty intense and I asked to be checked. I told the nurse I didn't feel like it was time, but I wanted to see how far I had progressed. She told me I was 10cm, and it was time to push. The doctor was called in, the bed was broken down and the catcher was called in. Oneal gloved up, and checked me... She very angrily stated I was only 5cm! After about 5 minutes of debate between doctor and nurse, a 3rd opinion was called in... her thoughts, 8cm...

At this point I instructed the nurse that my epidural was no longer working and to get me the anesthesiologist and that I would tell them when I was ready to push. Swiftly anesthesia was in the room with an awesome magic shot, and I proceeded to drift away to sleep. It was about 2:45am at this point. At 5:27am, I sat up in bed, and yelled into the dark room, "get the nurse, it's time!". My mom grabbed Stacey my RN, and brought her in, she checked me and made quick work of getting ready. Thankfully the doctor was at the nurses station and walked in when she heard me awake. She flipped my blanket over and loudly announced "HOLY HAIR", then "Ok one contraction, one push shes's here...ok, Amanda ?". Me "uh-huh" 5:35am Guinevere Rose Karpus was born.

We had opted for Kangeroo care, so she was placed on my chest, skin to skin and Daddy cut the cord. She snuggled under my gown for almost 45 minutes before she was taken to be weighed and for daddy and grandma to hold her.

The morning sun, was shining into my post partum room and breakfast was waiting for daddy and I. Guinevere was off getting a bath, and Ron and I had a few moments to recount the last 18hours. That afternoon Guinevere's 5 older siblings met their baby sister. (those were the second most magical moments for me).

Guinevere Rose weighed 6lbs, 10.5oz and was 19inches long.

Catching up to do!

I have some catching up to do, lets start with Frankie's first communion.

May 4th, all our families came together, including the Boscarellos to celebrate this occasion. It was a wonderful experience for Frankie. His godfather and his wife came up from N. Carolina for the day too!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Little Wrestling Champ

Frankie participated in his first wrestling tournament this Sunday, he did amazing. He wrestled 4 matches total, 3 official and 1 off the record. He won and took 1st in his official matches. The off the record match was a good dose of humility, he lost 6-9 to someone bigger then him. He did his best and we were so proud!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pink or Blue:: did you guess right?

Well family:: Did you guess right? Pink or Blue! As most of you found out Friday with the Delivery of your candy or cupcakes... ITS A GIRL! There are two names in the running, Lorelie Rose "Rory" & Syndey Rose, I'm also still a fan of Josephine Rose and calling her "Joey". Ron and I have a long discussion, lets be honest several long discussions ahead of us on the matter. As far as family votes go, I'm pretty sure Lorelie is in winning, only a summer bundle of joy will tell! Our due date is 4th of July, so those early summer months better not be too hot [you listening mother nature???]. Thanks for all the love & support!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Signed, Sealed and out for delivery

As I watch Scarlett rip her diapers out of her basket for the 12th time today, I'm finishing up her bday invitations. They will be in the mail at 9am in the morning. Keep your eyes open for them! In a change of pace from overcrowded house full of birthday celebrating friends and family. We are doing this open house style. We broke the mold and broke the day up into different times so we can actually visit when family comes to celebrate our little buckeye!